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Housing assistance for apprentices

As an apprentice, you find yourself in a delicate situation between a student with no income and an employee. Consequently, you have a certain financial autonomy, but not always sufficient to be completely independent.

Fortunately, there are housing assistance programs for both minor and adult apprentices.

The various housing assistance programs for apprentices

Housing assistance for apprentices mainly depends on the Family Allowances Fund (APL, ALF, AFS, etc.), but also on other organizations.

For example, CROUS helps accommodate young people in university residences and approved housing, while the organization called Action Logement offers a housing assistance for apprentices of 1,000 euros.

APL and apprenticeship in 2021

Since January 2021, housing assistance for apprentices in CFA (Apprenticeship Training Centers) considers you no longer as a student. This means that the employee status takes precedence. Thus, you will be eligible or not for personalized housing assistance depending on the amount you earn during your training.

Being in an apprenticeship contract means you spend part of your time studying and the other working within a company. Therefore, it is natural that you are paid for your working hours. The calculation of the APL to be received is based on the last 12 months, with a ceiling of 18,473 euros not to be exceeded.

You don't have to take any action. The fund automatically retrieves the necessary information and handles the payment.

The Mobili-Jeune assistance of 1000 euros

This is an assistance from the Action Logement organization divided into two categories: mobility assistance and Mobili-Jeune assistance for rent payment.

Mobility assistance allows students, alternates, or employees to relieve some of the moving expenses. Therefore, you can only receive it once.

To access it, you must have a salary below 2,384.21 euros, which corresponds to one and a half times the minimum wage for the year 2021. This amount changes every year, hence the need to stay informed.

You must also have a contract with a company and your private means of transportation must take less than half an hour to get you to work. Otherwise, you must be dependent on public transport. Finally, the housing for which you have received assistance must be your main residence and located in France.

Mobili-Jeune assistance for rent payment, on the other hand, is a state subsidy to support young people under 30 in alternance or apprenticeship. It covers part of the rental charges, with an amount ranging from 10 to 100 euros over a maximum period of 3 years.

It should be understood that it is cumulative with APL, meaning that if your APL is significant, you are not entitled to Mobili-Jeune.

The eligibility criteria are as follows: being under 30 years old and having a contract with a private sector company. This latter must contribute to the program with a rate of 1%. This condition is mandatory for companies with more than 20 employees.

Finally, you must have an income below the minimum wage or equivalent. For the year 2021, the ceiling was 1,603.12 euros.

As for housing conditions, it must be your main residence and its rental must coincide with your training time.

Loca-Pass advance

Loca-Pass advance is a loan that helps cover your rental deposit. It has no interest and can be repaid over 25 months. If your lease term is shorter, then the repayment period is adjusted accordingly.

In case of early departure from your accommodation, you will be required to repay the advance within 3 months.

The access conditions for Loca-Pass are as follows: being under 30 years old and in a training contract or looking for a job. There are other criteria for students and full-time employees.

As for housing, it must serve as your main residence within the national territory. If it is a room in a hostel or university residence, it must be under a private or approved rental agreement.

In the case of colocation, an amendment to the contract is required.

Housing assistance for double residence in alternance: how to pay a double rent?

In addition to the aforementioned aids, there is assistance for double residence. In alternance, you may need to rent two accommodations. One located near your study center, and the other close to the company where you are apprenticing.

This assistance alone has a maximum amount of 1,200 euros. You must justify your moving and installation expenses no later than 6 months after hiring.

If you benefit from moving, mobility, and double residence assistance, then the amount will be capped at a total sum of 2,500 euros. These subsidies depend on the same organization, hence the fact that they are intertwined.

How to minimize rental expenses and charges to the maximum?

As an apprentice, it is not easy to make ends meet. However, there are tips to help lighten the load a little.

Choose your accommodation wisely

This is the basis for not spending a fortune on rental fees. If your institution is approved by CROUS, then you may be entitled to a university room at a lower cost.

You also have hostels that accommodate young workers. However, if you're looking for a private apartment, you can consult Colonies to find the housing that suits you at the best price.

Know the assistance available to you

There are other aids that may be common or specific. AILE, for example, is intended for students in the Paris region where rent is excessively high. There is also the prime d'activité, which is very interesting.

Choose the location

If you have a small budget, it's better to focus on the outskirts rather than big cities. Of course, you need to weigh the pros and cons based on transportation and amenities.

Housing assistance: simulation for apprentices

There is a simulator on the CAF website to estimate approximately how much housing assistance you may receive.

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